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Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that can be stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. These files are typically used to hold your user preferences, to store important data as you browse the website (such as the contents of your shopping cart), or to find out if you have browsed the website before.As these files can only store small amounts of data there is nothing dangerous about the files themselves, but some companies may use the information to track what other websites you have visited or to build a profile of your general online behaviour. TemptationGifts do not involve themselves in these activities. Cookies we use don’t collect or store any sensitive information such as your name, address or payment card information.

What types of cookies are there?

TemptationGifts, like most e-commerce websites, uses a variety of cookies to help ensure that our website functions correctly and to provide information on how to improve our pages and marketing.  We sometimes use third party agencies to advertise and bring traffic to certain parts of the site, for example where we have a specific campaign. These cookies are placed by one of our third-party agencies to allow them to track the activities of visitors that that have come to the site from their adverts.  Our use of cookies can be broken down into four main categories:

Necessary & Functional Cookies:  Necessary cookies are essential to make a website work and enable features that users have specifically asked for. Without these cookies, these features of the website could not operate properly. For example, these cookies remember the contents of your shopping cart or whether you are logged in as you browse the website, and to record the items that you have placed in your wish-list so that you can refer back to them. Functional cookies automatically remember preferences that users have previously made in order to enhance their experience next time they visit a website. All visitors to our website will have a cookie called PHPSESSID set in their browser. This cookie doesn’t store any personal information on your device. Without this cookie, you would not be able to login, add to basket or purchase with us online. Another cookie called JSESSION ID is set from our server performance and health monitoring solution. This cookie alerts us if there is an internal issue with our servers that run our sites. This cookie does not contain any personal information and cannot be used to identify a customer. On most pages we also show customer reviews using our third party trusted partner They may set a cookie called __cfduid which is used to count the number of times a review is viewed.  We also work with a specialist email company called Mailchimp to provide a sign up form for which you can sign up to our newsletter. This popup may set a cookie called _AVESTA_ENVIRONMENT which is only used to determine that the popup has been shown to a customer.

Statistics Cookies.  Statistic cookies help us understand how visitors interact with our website by collecting and reporting information anonymously. The data gathered allows us to check how many people visited our pages, how many visitors have been to our website previously, which links people have clicked most often on our pages, etc. It also helps us identify problems with our pages and advise on improvements that can be made to make them easier to use. All the information collected is anonymous and no personal data is recorded. We use Google Analytics for this purpose.  Statistics cookies Google uses on our website include _ga which is used to count the number of visitors, sessions and page views. Google also uses _gat to limit collection rates and _gid which is a session based cookie for the collection of pages viewed. These cookies are not personally identifiable as your full IP address is scrambled before being recorded.  We also use cookies from Google and Bing such as ads/user-lists, MUID & _uetsid in order to track purchases if you have visited us via a paid advert. This enables us to monitor the effectiveness of that ad and we will not use this data to target you in any way.

Google's privacy policy is available at:
Bing's privacy policy is available at:

Marketing Cookies. We use cookies to provide a remarketing service through Google Ads and Facebook, which allows us to advertise specifically to internet users that have previously visited our website and to highlight products and services that we believe, may be of interest to them. This advertising method allows us to show adverts to users with different interests and demographics based on the information that Google or Facebook provide. We allow Google and Facebook to set their own cookies such as IDE, DSID, Fr, tr in order for this feature to work correctly.  You can review your consent for personalised ads in general if you have an account with any of the following:

If you’d like to opt out of seeing personalised Google ads please go here:

To opt-out of seeing personalised ads on Facebook, please go to:

Personalisation.  We use cookies to store information about your site preferences and to personalise the website for you so that we can show you products you might like based on the products you’ve looked at before. These cookies are set and used by our service provider Episerver. These cookies include peerius_user & peerius_sess to be able to track the user journey and previous behaviour to be able to personalise content. peerius_rid is a cookie which tracks subsequent click through rates from the recommendations so we can analyse their effectiveness. The cookie peerius_ct is just a testing cookie.  Click the link below to see Episerver’s privacy statement:

How can cookies be managed or disabled?

Our cookies will be stored automatically when you visit our website, based on our legitimate interest to provide you with the best possible service which you’d expect from an online retailer. You can easily change the way cookies are handled on your computer by adjusting the cookie settings within your internet browser. It is possible to manage which websites are allowed to create cookies on your computer as well as view or delete cookies that have already been stored.  There are many different internet browsers so we aren't able to give instructions on how to change the privacy and cookie settings in all of them, but we've provided links to the websites of the most popular browsers below. 

Apple Safari:

Google Chrome:

Microsoft Edge:

Mozilla Firefox:

Please note: Blocking all cookies from will prevent the Shopping Cart from functioning correctly and you will be unable to place an order through the website. 

You can also manage some cookies through websites like  Network Advertising Initiative , which allows you to opt-out from selected cookies. 

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